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T he founder of the Breath of Life television ministry, Elder Brooks (July 24, 1930 - June 5, 2016) was well known as an evangelist. His sermons continue to be legendary. He held his first campaign in the early 1950s, while a pastor in Columbus, Ohio. After going on to be senior pastor of the Glenville Church in Cleveland, where he also held campaigns, Elder Brooks became a full-time evangelist. In the summer of 1964 he led a major campaign in a large tent in Philadelphia during the “long, hot summer” of urban rioting, defied a plea from the mayor to shut down and still baptized nearly 300 people. He fearlessly preached the Adventist message around the globe.

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P astor Doug Batchelor is an innovative speaker with an unusual ability to communicate not only to churchgoers, but also the unchurched throughout the world. Under his dynamic leadership, the Amazing Facts ministry has grown exponentially — reaching more people in more ways than ever before. As senior pastor, Batchelor can also be seen when speaking at the Sacramento Seventh-day Adventist Church which is aired as Central Study Hour and Everlasting Gospel on TV locally and by satellite on 3ABN, Hope Channel and Amazing Facts TV.

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E vangelism is where Mark Finley made his mark on the world, presenting more than 150 evangelistic series around the globe in 80 countries. His best known association is as a television speaker for the current series Experience Hope, a weekly broadcast of the Hope Channel ; for the It Is Written telecast of 20 years; and for NET evangelism satellite series broadcast in North America.

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S teve Wohlberg is the Speaker/Director of White Horse Media and hosts the Sword of the Spirit television series. TV producer, radio host, seminar speaker and author of 17 books, he has been a guest on over 500 radio and television shows. He has also spoken by special invitation inside the Pentagon and U.S. Senate. Steve currently lives in Newport, Washington, with his wife Kristin, their son Seth Michael, and their daughter Abigail Rose.

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S peaker and Evangelist, Kenneth Cox, in his public ministry has covered most of the world. He has specialized in world history and it's relationship to Bible Prophecy and current events. Pastor Cox through the Word of God shows clearly how current events relate to the Prophecy for the times you and I are living. Visit KennethCoxMinistries.org for more information.

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R on Halvorsen, Sr. (1938-2015), was loved as a popular speaker, evangelist and pastor. Raised in Brooklyn, New York, Halvorsen experienced the pain and poverty associated with city life. God used his life experiences to bring him out of the city to become a beloved pastor and successful evangelist. His personal style of presenting Jesus sparkles in these presentatations, in which the listener is led toward a greater appreciation of our Savior’s unique love, unique ability to forgive and His unique sacrifice to rescue mankind.

Through his gift of evangelism, Halvorsen brought thousands to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. He held meetings and conducted prayer seminars for It Is Written. Halvorsen authored two books, From Gangs to God and Prayer Warriors.

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H . M. S. Richards (1894-1985), pioneer religious broadcaster, was the founder and long-time speaker of the Voice of Prophecy radio ministry. His ministry inspired broadcasts in dozens of languages on more than 1,000 stations worldwide, as well as Bible courses in some 80 languages offered by more than 125 correspondence schools.

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B orn in Wisconsin, Stephen P. Bohr grew up in Venezuela where his parents served as missionaries. For over 30 years he has served as a pastor, theology professor, youth counselor, and evangelist. He is best known for his groundbreaking series, Cracking the Genesis Code. Presently he is the Speaker/Director for Secrets Unsealed and serves as the senior pastor of the Fresno Central Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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L yle Albrecht has spent many years speaking in over 55 countries and many more cities throughout the United States. He has studied extensively on Daniel and Revelation. Lyle's unique style will encourage you to study deeper into the Word of God.

Revelation Insights, has helped many thousands of people to better understand the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.

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P rofessor Walter Veith obtained his doctorate in zoology from the University of Cape Town in 1979. He believes that the theory of evolution does not provide a plausible explanation of our origins, and that the geological and paleontological data do not support evolution over long periods of time, but rather imply catastrophism, which is consistent with the Genesis account. He lectures internationally on this topic and has undertaken extensive tours to Europe, Africa, and North America. Please visit AmazingDiscoveries.org for more information.

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P astor Jason Williams was born and raised in St. John’s, Newfoundland. After graduating from high school, Pastor Jason left Newfoundland and began his ministerial studies in the United States. Jason has traveled throughout South America and North America teaching and sharing the amazing revelations of Bible prophecy and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His passion is that people everywhere would come to know and accept the Lord Jesus Christ and be prepared for His soon return. For more information please visit the Bay Roberts Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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P astor Randy Skeete has traveled the world preaching the Gospel. His travels had led him on a continual basis to Europe, Asia, Africa, the Carribbean, and much of North America.

Pastor Skeete's direct but loving messages have inspired both young and old to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ, bringing the Gospel to thousands around the world. Please visit Randy Skeete's Facebook page for more information.

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D r. John Kurlinski and Dr. Stan Hudson, both with Ph.D’s in science, host Sink the Beagleprogram that takes a lighthearted look at the issues surrounding creationism and darwinism. The title Sink the Beagle is derived from the fact that in 1831 Charles Darwin began a journey on the H.M.S. Beagle during which he formulated his theory of evolution. John and Stan take aim and fire freely at this theory. They have a very entertaining style of delivery while maintaining a firm grounding in scripture.

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R eflection Time - A program that looks at world events and everyday issues from a Biblical perspective. As well you will hear a selection of instrumental music, hymns, and local Christian artists. Through Reflection Time , we take time to reflect on God's Word. Hosted by Mario Saric and Paul Veber.

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J im Campbell, an ordained minister, having spent over 20 years doing research on how to study the Bible effectively, has developed a seminar entitled "Governed by the Word." Topics include: Believe the Word, Receive the Word, Feed on the Word, Live by the Word, Preach the Word. A series of 10 informative presentations provide listeners with a clear and concise understanding of the relationship of the Bible to the plan of salvation. For inquiry, write governedbytheword.message@yahoo.ca .

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D avid Asscherick is an ordained pastor and international evangelist who travels all over the world preaching the good news of Jesus Christ. He appears regularly on 3ABN and Hope TV. Pastor Asscherick is known for his unique manner of presenting and supporting his belief in God from an aspect of reason and logic. Visit Arise Institute for more information.

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P astor Richard O'Ffill (1940 - 2020) was the Revivalist for the Florida Conference in Orlando, Florida. During his more than 35 years of ministry, he served in Southern Asia, Latin America, as well as North America. Pastor O'Ffill always believed that a Holy God, through the Holy Spirit, is developing a holy people for the soon return of Jesus Christ. Visit RevivalSermons.org for more information.

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D ennis Priebe has over 40 years experience as a pastor, a teacher, and seminar speaker. His ministry focus is nurturing newborn Christians into mature Christianity. Pastor Priebe also conducts weekend or week-long series on the subject of righteousness by faith. It is his deep conviction that the only way God's people will ever fulfill their divine commission of preparing the way so that Jesus can return is through a clear understanding and a corresponding experience of the total gospel of Christ our Savior. For more information visit www.dennispriebe.com .

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F rank B. Phillips served the church he loved for over 45 years, including ten years as a conference youth leader, five years as the personal director of an acute care hospital and sixteen years as pastor of churches in Washington and Oregon. After his official retirement, he spent the next ten years conducting revival meetings with the help of his wife and constant companion Dorothy. He was given an honorary master's degree by Andrews University for his Biblical scholarship. Born in 1914, he died in Jesus in 1994.

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D avid Gates has dedicated his life to the most important mission in these last days - The medical missionary is the work we have all been called to do. David's story will not only amaze you but compel you to re-think your time and position on earth. This generation has only one chance to come to Christ and after that, it is lost, for eternity. For more information visit www.gospelministry.org .

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J oe Crews (1924-1994), the founder, speaker and director of Amazing Facts for nearly 30 years, was a dynamic radio and TV personality. His powerful and straight forward sermons are presented here in these classic 15-minute radio programs. He begins with an amazing scientific or historical fact followed by a biblical message that will open your eyes to amazing Bible truth!

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The Voice Of Prophecy is a long-running Seventh-day Adventist radio broadcast founded in 1929 by H.M.S. Richards, Sr. Lonnie Melashenko was speaker/director for the Voice of Prophecy from 1993 to 2008. During his years at Voice of Prophecy, Pastor Melashenko conducted evangelistic series in Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, the Philippines, Venezuela (Caracas), the Cayman Islands, Zambia, and Hong Kong. The following radio broadcasts are from the 1990's archives.

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R evelation Now is a Series of lectures by Jac Colón, which focuses on the last Bible Book and presents a method which allows the Bible itself to interptet it's own mysterious symbols. Discover for yourself from God's Book, the things which must soon take place. You can understand the End Times! Revelation is a life changing book that allows you to face the future with a calm assurance of hope instead of fear. For more information visit www.revelation-now.com .

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E. E. Cleveland (1921-2009), who served the Adventist Church for more than 67 years in active and post-retirement ministry, was renowned for his evangelistic enthusiasm, holding more than 60 campaigns around the world, most of them, of course, in his homeland, the United States. In 1954, his Montgomery (Alabama) tent meetings drew a local seamstress, Rosa Parks, as one of the attendees, and also captured the notice of two African-American pastors, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Rev. Ralph David Abernathy.

For more information please visit www.eeclevelandministries.org

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P astor Bill Tucker, grandson of J. L. Tucker, the founder of Quiet Hour Ministries, became QHM's President/Speaker in 1993 after serving the ministry in other capacities for more than ten years. As speaker, Pastor Tucker is the host of Windows of Hope television. He is on the pastoral staff of the Redlands (California) Seventh-day Adventist church. For more information visit www.qhministries.org .

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A uthor/presenter G. Edward Reid is known for his practical and well-researched information. He is an ordained minister, licensed attorney, and is certified as a personal financial planner. He is also certified as a teacher and counselor by Crown Financial Ministries and the Christian Stewardship Association. Reid has conducted hundreds of money management seminars and has counseled many people who were seeking financial management assistance. He is a student of Bible prophecy and has written extensively and given presentations on this topic in venues around the world. For more information please visit Omega Books .

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L ouis Torres is a pastor, evangelist, international lecturer, musician and author. Over the past three decades, he has trained hundreds to become effective soul winners, pastors, Bible workers, and evangelists. Torres previously has served as director of training and evangelism for ASI and vice president for Amazing Facts. He and his wife, Carol, are co-founders of Mission College of Evangelism. Currently, he is president of Guam-Micronesia Mission. For more information please visit Louis Torres.org .

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J ames Rafferty is a Co-Director/Gospel worker for Light Bearers Ministry. Since becoming a born again Christian at the age of 21, James has been called to share God’s love in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Australia and America. He has also conducted seminars on Daniel and Revelation and is a featured speaker on Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN). For more information please visit Light Bearers website .

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C lifford Goldstein is a writer, editor and public speaker. He has authored many books, including God, Godel and Grace, Graffiti in the Holy of Holies, and 1844 Made Simple. Raised as a secular Jew, he became a Seventh-day Adventist in 1980. He was the editor of Liberty magazine for six years. He currently is the editor of the Adult Bible Study Guide, a quarterly study guide used by millions in Adventist churches around the world. His perspective on life provokes thought and appeals to many searching for truth as the following presentations testify.

For more information please visit Cliff! on Hope Channel .

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A t the age of eighteen Ty Gibson encountered the truth of God’s existence for the first time. After having been raised with a purely secular worldview and having witnessed evil and suffering firsthand, Ty was completely opposed to the idea of a Supreme Being. “If God exists,” he reasoned, “He would have to be cruel to have made a world like ours?” Ty’s conversion as a teenager was founded on the answer to that question. The powerful reality of God’s love opened Ty’s mind to a whole new line of thought. Since then he has given his life to the joyous task of sharing God’s good character in public seminars as well as through print and video media.

For more information please visit www.lightbearers.org .

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P astor Abraham Jules is native of the Caribbean island of Trinidad. Pastor Jules is a featured speaker at numerous revivals, weeks of prayer, workers meetings and camp meetings throughout the United States and around the world. He has held evangelistic efforts throughout the United States, Jamaica, Australia, Bermuda, Canada, West Indies, England, South Africa, New Zealand, Bahamas, Cayman Islands and Africa. He currently is the pastor of the Mt. Vernon Seventh-day Adventist Church in New York.

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M orris Venden (1932-2013), popular author of more than thirty books and was an associate speaker for The Voice of Prophecy. He also served as senior pastor at several large churches, including the Azure Hills Church near Loma Linda, California. Along with his wife, Marilyn, he devoted most of his time to ministering to college and university students and young professionals. Venden's sermons have been distributed widely and together with his many books have presented the biblical message of righteousness by faith in dozens of countries. The following Righteousness by Faith presentations are currently broadcast on LLBN TV .

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D avid Shin is pastor of the University and Williamston churches in Michigan. He is a graduate of Andrews Theological Seminary and has a love for sharing the gospel to the public and university students in meaningful ways. Pastor Shin is passionate about bringing souls closer to Christ.

For more information please visit University Church .

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I vor Myers once belonged to an aspiring hip hop group named The Boogiemonsters. Appearing on programs such as Soul Train and BET and featured in magazines like Vibe and Rolling Stone, they were headed for stardom. However, while recording their first album of their eight album contract with EMI Records, Ivor was introduced to the gospel of Jesus Christ. After his eye-opening revelation, he left the industry. Together, Ivor and his wife, Antonte, host 3ABN's "Battle of Faith" television program and are founders of " Power of the Lamb Ministries ."

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D r. Carlton P. Byrd is currently the Speaker/Director of the Breath of Life Television Broadcast. It is Dr. Byrd's desire to be saved when Jesus Christ comes, and to be instrumental in leading others to realize this most precious reward of everlasting life with our soon coming Savior through innovative, seeker-sensitive, Christ-centered ministry.

For more information please visit Breath of Life TV.

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