Signs of the Times Magazine

Signs of the Times®invites readers to live as Christians in modern North American Society. Within its 64 pages, each month readers will find news, tips, and articles on how to live a healthy Christian lifestyle. This four-colour magazine emphasizes Christ’s second advent and the prophecies and “signs” that indicate the nearness of this event. To receive a free sample copy of Signs of the Times magazine please fill out the following form: (United States and Canada only)

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A sampling of articles Signs subscribers have read in past issues:

Caring for the GrievingDealing with loss is always hard. Does faith in God make it easier?

Living in an Upset WorldConditions in the world can leave us depressed. How can the Christian's spiritual life make a difference?

Come, Let Us ReasonHow should we relate to Bible passages that seem to contradict our common sense?

Microfinance in the PhilippinesEffective development programs help to stop the trafficking of children by changing the circumstance of vulnerable and destitute mothers.

No Sheep in Babylon!Take a tour of the Bible lands and learn how the Bible's prophecies have been very accurately fulfilled.

The Parrot's AdviceOne group of men solved the problem of their ineffective preacher. Here's how.

Food Matters:Omega 3 for Vegetarians

Bible Discovery:Christian Behavior in a Postmodern World

Your Bible QuestionsWhy was Jesus in such distress in Gethsemane when He knew that He would be resurrected?

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