Welcome to A New You Ministry! Our new website has been redesigned for easier access to our online resources.
Please feel free to explore the many Bible-based resources including A New You Broadcast, Good News Bible Study, Audio Sermons, Truth Unveiled Videos, Prayer Requests and so much more.
We pray that your visit will reveal God's way to a New Life!
The Good News Bible Study
will help you understand the major themes of the Bible. You'll find the 25 lessons thought-provoking and inspiring.
After you fill in the last answer sheet of this course and return it to us, you will receive a certificate of completion.
Enroll today and begin an amazing journey throught the Word of God!
Truth Unveiled
- Where the focus and mission of A New You Broadcast is to reveal what Truth actually is that can only be found in God's Holy Word - The Bible!
A wide range of Bible topics are covered in these video presentations.
Our library of sermons
and teachings are delivered by Pastors, Evangelists and Teachers from around the world.
Here you will find Bible-based audio sermons, prophecy seminars and Biblical research as it relates to current events.
Christ's ministry while here on earth was not only one of spiritual enlightenment but also of healing and restoration.
Onsite Health Resources
cover a wide range of topics including Body and Spirit Home Exercise Videos with Dick Nunez.